Uplifting the human experience within the Courts environment

VCAT Human Rights Division La Trobe Street
Court Services Victoria
La Trobe Street, Melbourne
Completed April 2023

A shift in the narrative of the courts experience to be human-centred. We focused on “putting people first” in our design process to shape an experience that is user friendly and easily navigated.


Our design removes physical barriers within the courts environment that would traditionally have aligned with an intimidating experience for users, setting a new tone of assistance & humanised experience. The result is a refreshingly calm and welcoming experience, with soft tones & subtle textures.

Venko assisted in the relocation of the VCAT Human Rights Division to a new space housing a variety of mediation, interview and hearing rooms and secure public entry, reception & lounge areas.

Our process began with the user; their needs and their humanity came first. Consulting with specialists such as Design for Dignity & Dementia Australia & the VCAT Koori Support Team to share in their knowledge. Our design detailing focused on incorporating suitable textures, appropriate visual contrast and acoustics to suit the needs of the elderly, people with dementia and the vision or hearing impaired.

Venko assisted in the relocation of the VCAT Human Rights Division to a new space housing a variety of mediation, interview and hearing rooms and secure public entry, reception & lounge areas.

Our process began with the user; their needs and their humanity came first. Consulting with specialists such as Design for Dignity & Dementia Australia & the VCAT Koori Support Team to share in their knowledge. Our design detailing focused on incorporating suitable textures, appropriate visual contrast and acoustics to suit the needs of the elderly, people with dementia and the vision or hearing impaired.


Our design removes physical barriers within the courts environment that would traditionally have aligned with an intimidating experience for users, setting a new tone of assistance & humanised experience. The result is a refreshingly calm and welcoming experience, with soft tones & subtle textures.

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Uplifting the human experience within the Courts environment